
As Inceptisol is referred to according to the USDA soil classification young soils with very weakly trained vertical profile. They occur both in tropical and in temperate latitudes and are particularly frequent in Europe and the estuaries of large rivers such as the Ganges Delta where rice is grown on them. In the mountains, where they are often found on steep slopes, these soils are mainly used for forestry.

The fertility and pH of Inceptisols are highly variable. Horizons have only weakly developed, only Entisole have an even lower differentiation. Over time, organic material is deposited on the top layer, which thereby becomes darker and extract themselves from the underlying layer.

Approximately 12.8 million square kilometers of the earth's surface or about 10 percent of the ice-free land area is covered with Inceptisolen.


We distinguish six suborders:

  • Aquept
  • Anthrept
  • Cryept
  • Ustept
  • Xerept
  • Udept