Incremental search

The proposal search (or also: Search completion ) is a variant of the search of computer programs. This possible completions or sites are already displayed while typing the search term.

Comparing of typed query and the database of completions may be different flexible and varied as intelligent. The flexibility can roughly distinguish whether proposals always complete to the right or to the left. Most programs for search completion operate without considering the semantics of the documents, ie they also suggest completions containing two content unrelated words that are only coincidentally directly in the documents side by side. Novel semantic search suggestions in the context of meaning -oriented search engines, however, make sure that the terms are in the search completion in a substantive context. This also widely spaced words can be combined into a search proposal, unless the context eg could be detected by automatic language processing.

An example of a simple suggestion search is the search function of the Firefox browser, with the already typed with each letter a suitable reference is displayed. Even with Google Suggest is the default search used. Proposal search functions on websites using the AJAX technology - in this way, data can be exchanged with the service provider, without the page has to be reloaded.

  • Graphical User Interface
  • Search Engine
  • Computational Linguistics