
Indoctrination (Latin doctrina, instruction ') is a particularly vehement, no contradiction and no discussion permissive policy. This is done through targeted manipulation of people by means of controlled selection of information to enforce ideological intentions or off criticism.


An important feature or a central method of indoctrination is the propaganda. The form of the presentation of information is distorted here on one side, all of the available information is censored, the ideology of the conflicting statements are retained, threatened their utterance with discrete concrete disadvantages or penalties.

The ways to achieve a corresponding information monopoly over a large crowd, are given conspicuous in dictatorships. However, an uncontrolled monopoly of the mass media and authoritarian, religiously or politically motivated forms of education can promote indoctrination. The (apparently) positive aspects of the system are excessive, while critical or unpopular information is suppressed. Indoctrination inevitably goes hand in hand with a strong lobbying and can therefore occur in any ideology or form of government.

Brand management

Modern examples of indoctrination are the methods of brand management.
