
  • India ( Lameta Formation)
  • Indosaurus matleyi

Indosaurus ( "Indian lizard" ) is a little-known theropod dinosaur genus from the group of Abelisauridae. It is based on a fragmentary cranium, which comes from the Indian Lameta lineup and on the Upper Cretaceous ( Maastrichtian ) is dated. This skull is now lost.

The skull comes from Bara Simla, a hill in the central Indian Madhya Pradesh, and was described in 1933 by Friedrich von Huene and Charles Matley. Although could be recovered from theropod from the same locality numerous other remains; these findings, however, is always put single bone, contiguous ( articulated ) skeletal parts were rarely found. For this reason, is still controversial, as many different theropod species actually present. Until 1934 Basa Simla eleven different genera were named by theropods, with the majority of these genera is probably identical with each other.

Von Huene and Matley (1933 ) attributed to two further, now also lost skull of a different genus: Indosuchus. Indosuchus how to map Indosaurus the Abelisauridae, a group of Ceratosauria. Distinguish can be both genera by the construction of the cranium, is more robust in Indosaurus. However, notice Novas and colleagues ( 2004) that all three skull were in a poor state of preservation, and that Indosaurus and Indosuchus possibly synonyms are ( are the same). Carrano and Sampson (2008) suggests, however, that Indosaurus could be identical with Lametasaurus and / or Rajasaurus may, and that Indosuchus can most closely be distinguished from other genera.
