Inferential role semantics

Inferential Semantics refers to a younger family of theories of meaning that will be discussed, inter alia, in the analytic philosophy of language, semantics, philosophy of mind, philosophy and neuro -applying disciplines.


Origin of the concept of inferential semantics is the Wittgensteinian view that the meaning of an expression is due to its use. Which was followed, inter alia, Wilfrid Sellars. Important contemporary representatives are about Ned Block and Robert Brandom. As a representative of inferential semantics Brandom distinguishes itself from representationalist positions from which he in Descartes and - sees realized in Carnap and Russell, and interprets certain positions in modern philosophy, Spinoza and Hegel, as a precursor of inferentialism - in analytic philosophy.

Some philosophers, it is argued that a truth-conditional semantics, as proposed by Davidson, for inferential semantics is in contrast. Jerry Fodor coined the term inferential role semantics as a battle cry to a mistaken for him as attacking non- compositional meaning theory. Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore speak mischievous "New Testament Semantics ". You have tried to show that any inferential semantics committed to a semantic holism. Inferential and proof theoretical semantics have points of contact.

Brandom's normative pragmatics

For Brandom gives the meaning of a statement from the implied conclusions and premises to which they entitled or required a competent speaker. So represents the statement ' Today is Wednesday ' is not a certain objectively given facts. Rather, it is only understandable in the context of certain social embossed language rules according to which, for example, as a conclusion, the statement "Tomorrow is Thursday ' derives. With reference to the rules of language use Brandom therefore attempted to justify the inferential semantics on a normative linguistic pragmatics.

Semantics of conceptual roles

Notwithstanding Wittgenstein is in the semantics of conceptual roles ( conceptual role semantics, hereinafter CRS, nor inferential or functional role semantics: semantics inferential or functional roles ) is not the language of the reference point, but the function and structure of terms in the functional context of human consciousness, provided that context is formal logic representable. This theory has its origins in the ideas of Gilbert Harman and Hartry Field. Additional representatives Ned Block, Paul Horwich, Brian Loar, Colin McGinn, Christopher Peacocke, William Woods, Philip Johnson -Laird. The CRS asserted: The meaning of a representation (in the present example, in the vehicle of a linguistic expression, or a mental state ) can be identified with the role that the conscious life ( inter alia, in perceiving, thinking and decision ) of an actor plays or counterfactual, this representation would play. The orientation of functional roles implies that an expression has its meaning only in the context of a mental relationship structure. This, as the talk of " inferences " ( logical consequences ) accentuated, especially in conceptual relations and logical implications can be read.

Proof Theoretical Semantics

Inferentialist approaches in logic are usually negotiated under the heading " proof theoretic semantics ". In this Gerhard Gentzen's Investigations onset on logical reasoning tradition considering the importance of the logical operators than by two rules of inference per operator defined: the introduction rule specifies the conditions under which a statement may be inferred that contains the operator concerned, as the main operator; the elimination rule specifies what can be inferred from such a statement. For example, see the rules for the conjunction in a calculus of natural deduction as follows:

From the perspective of proof-theoretic semantics of such rules are not something secondary, what should be (eg, by truth tables ) justified by a previous definition of the meaning of operators, but they determine the use of logical symbols and thus (according to Wittgenstein's idea that meaning use is the same) their significance.

Programmatically Gentzen formulated:

The introductions represent, so to speak, the "Definitions" of the character in question is, and the fixes are ultimately only consequences thereof, which can be expressed like this: When removing a mark shall the formula in question to their extreme character this is, only "as the be used, what it means due to the introduction of this character ." [ ... ] By specifying these thoughts, it may be possible that B [ eseitigungs ] conclusions demonstrate, on the basis of certain requirements as unique functions of the corresponding E [ inführungs ] conclusions.

That is, the elimination rules must be justified on the basis of the introduction of rules. From this programmatic remark Gentzen Dag Prawitz has made as the central theorists of the proof-theoretic semantics together with Michael Dummett an entire significant theoretical program. Prawitz defined a semantics of proofs, which is based on the notion of semantic priority of introduction rules. This idea was elaborated by Michael Dummett about the same time to the philosophical conception of a verifikationistischen theory of meaning that emanated from Behauptbarkeitsbedingungen as the central semantic definition.

Pictures of Inferential role semantics
