Inferior alveolar artery

The inferior alveolar artery ( " lower alveolar artery ") is an artery of the head. It springs from the first portion of the maxillary artery ( maxillary ).

A. The inferior alveolar initially dismisses a ramus of the mylohyoid branches in the floor of the mouth below the mylohyoid muscle. Then it runs through the lower jaw hole mandibular foramen ( lower jaw hole ) of the mandible in the mandibular canal ( mandibular ) within this bone in which it contracts with the same name vein and nerve ( inferior alveolar nerve ) toward the chin. Here the artery sends fine branches to the lower teeth and the lower jaw itself at the mental foramen ( hole chin ) takes one of the two terminal branches, the ramus mentalis, again from the mandible and supplies the chin region. The second terminal branch occurs within the bone of the incisors.

Pictures of Inferior alveolar artery
