Inferior nasal concha

The inferior nasal concha (Latin for inferior turbinate ), called with animals concha nasalis ventralis, is one of the three nasal turbinates of mammals. She is an independent bone of Viscerocraniums, ranging from the piriform aperture to the choana. Synonyms are conchale Os and Os nasal conchae. The inferior turbinate is covered by the nasal mucosa and limits the lower and middle meatus of the nasal cavity.

The inferior turbinate of man has three small extensions. The maxillary process (Processus maxillary ) lies in front of the opening of the maxillary sinus. The Siebbeinfortsatz (Processus ethmoid ) lies down on the uncinate process of the ethmoid and thus narrows the opening of the maxillary sinus further. The tears leg extension ( processus lacrimal ) has direction lacrimal bone and forms along the inside wall of the nasolacrimal duct ( nasolacrimal canal ).
