Inga Swenson

Inga Swenson ( born December 29, 1932 in Omaha, Nebraska ) is an American actress.


The actress gave her 1957 television debut. It was followed by numerous television movies and series. For her performance in the series Benson, in which she represented from 1979 to 1986, the Miss Gretchen Wilomena Kraus, she received an Emmy Award three times and once a Golden Globe nomination. She also appeared in theater productions. Remembering their role remains as the mother of Helen Keller in the award winning film adaptation of "The Miracle Worker " ( Light in the Dark ) by Arthur Penn.

In Germany it was known as George Hazard's mother Maude primarily distinguished by their role in North and South, which she portrayed in 1985 and 1986.

In between, the artist came again and again on Broadway as 1965 in Baker Street.

The actress retired in 2000 from the Acting back.


Inga Swenson lives in Los Angeles and is married to the composer Lowell Harris since 1953. The couple had two sons. Son Mark Harris is a film editor. Son James Harris was killed in 1987 at the age of 26 years with the fatal motorcycle.

Movies & TV productions
