
Initng stands for Next Generation Init system (German initialisation of the next generation ) and is a software system for Unix and Unix -like operating systems to initialize the operating system. Initng is a complete replacement for the obsolete init system SysVinit, which is used by most Unix and Linux distributions.

Initng was founded by Jimmy If Lund and is actively developed by him and some others.

In initng is, like its predecessor, to the process that is started first by the kernel and therefore gets the process ID 1. This first process starts all required system services based on the desired runlevel.

SysVinit always starts the processes in a predetermined order and always starts a process only when the previous one has finished initializing. Initng other hand, starts a process immediately, if all processes, of which this depends on have finished initializing. It is therefore possible, for example, after the network has been initialized, initialize parallel Apache, database and mail system (for comparison SysVinit: only network, then Apache, then Database, then mail system ... ). Through these parallelization of each script, in comparison to SysVinit significantly higher speed is achieved.

Another problem with the predecessor is that it provides no information on the status of the boot process. So it makes among other things, the use of ads, so-called boat Splashes with progress, limited. Initng is there to remedy the situation.

Initng can restart on demand services that have crashed. This is an important feature for server systems that must run continuously. Also with initng a real warm start possible, with all system services shut down and then powered up again immediately.


Initng is developed under the GPL v2 license and therefore is available to any in the source code freely available.
