
Inkscape ( portmanteau word from engl. Ink, "ink" and scape as in landscape, "Landscape " ) is a free, platform -independent software for editing and creating two-dimensional vector graphics.


Inkscape is for creating one-page documents such as logos, vector art, technical diagrams, maps, city maps, leaflets, CD artwork, posters, lettering, comics, etc.

A primary goal of this project is the conformity to the SVG standard. Furthermore, great emphasis is placed on the free access of the source code for developers and contributors.

Other features of Inkscape:

  • Creating charts with movable connections
  • Unicode, body text and text - on - path
  • Effects, cloning and levels
  • Adding licensing and other meta information as an RDF graph to
  • Since 0.46 the PDF format for import and export is supported.

Inkscape also includes a graphical interface for Potrace that allows raster graphics can be converted to vector graphics ( automatic vectorization ).


Inkscape was created in 2003 as a splinter group of the vector drawing program Sodipodi due to disagreements on the objectives and the development path. In the course of splitting one moved from the C programming language to C and the GTK library for C variant gtkmm. Another big change was the user interface: The user interface of Sodipodi was based on GIMP and CorelDRAW, while the redesigned user interface of Inkscape in Xara Xtreme. In addition, Inkscape was over Sodipodi supplemented by a host of new features.

The writing team consisted at the time of the spin-off of three Americans; together with a Canadian currently form the administration level. The number of further active at the same authors had previously not greater than one to two dozen - but in total have now done a hundred Writers Program and translation contributions.
