Innerste Dam

The Innerstetalsperre is a reservoir of the heart, which is Langelsheim and Wolf Hagen in the resin. It was built from 1963-1966 and is one of the resin waterworks. Their purpose is water supply, flood protection, low water levels and power generation. The mean annual runoff of Innerstetalsperre is 60 million m³.


The dam of the Innerstetalsperre is an earth dam with multi-layer, external asphaltic concrete seal. He has over the entire length of a patrol in the water-side oven wall. Before the water-side foot of the dam is a spillway tower, in the well of the bottom outlet is integrated. The water of the Innerstetalsperre can be pumped through a 4.6 km long pressure line to the eastern Granetalsperre where it can be used for drinking water treatment. From 2003 to 2005, the reservoir was completely emptied and rehabilitated in particular on the asphalt seal and the bottom outlet, the construction was completed in September 2005.


Since the dam has only a small degree of expansion (ie, the storage content is in relation to the annual inflow of relatively small), it can only absorb limited flood. The spillway (overflow) goes about once every two years in operation. Nevertheless, the flood are significantly attenuated and delayed due to the retention even when overflowing Innerstetalsperre.

The reservoir can be used with sailing and rowing boats and fishing and camping. The Innerstetal web is a former railway line that had a breakpoint on the Innerstetalsperre.

Fish fauna

The water of the Innerstetalsperre is cold and soft and low in nutrients. Leitfische are salmonids such as brook trout and lake trout. In addition, pike, perch, carp and tench, besides also several species of white fish are found. After the restoration work in 2003, the fish population has been completely rebuilt by restocking.

Photo Gallery

Overflow Tower during renovation work

Reservoir at low water

Innermost in the reservoir at low water
