Institutum Canarium

The Institutum Canarium ("IC" ), based in Vienna is an international interdisciplinary research company that deals with the study of the cultural history of the Canary Islands and the adjacent Mediterranean.

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The Institutum Canarium was founded in 1969 in Vienna and maintains today an international research exchange with universities and research institutions in 21 countries. It is a member of the International Federation of Rock Art Organizations ( IFRAO ).

The IC brings regularly since 1970 the journal Almogaren ( Volume 41 was published in 2010 ) and as a news bulletin the IC message out. The company is funded by donations, and by the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research ( Vienna).

As the award - Dominik Woelfel Medal is awarded. Prize winners in 2001 were José Manuel González Alamo and 2003 Fred Olsen. The prize is named after the historian and ethnologist Dr. Dominik Joseph Woelfel (1888-1963), an explorer of the cultures of North Africa and the Canary Islands, who also worked as a university lecturer in ethnology in Vienna and curator at the Museum of Ethnology there myself.


Secretary General of the IC is Rudolf Franz Ertl, President Prof. Karlheinz Peiffer. Honorary President of the Institutum Canarium is Queen Sophia of Spain.
