Integrated School of Ocean Sciences

The Integrated School of Ocean Sciences ( ISOS ) is a central platform for post-graduate teaching of marine science and part of the Cluster of Excellence Future Ocean, Christian- Albrechts -University of Kiel. She is not a graduate school of the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments.


In order to improve the multidisciplinary and research-oriented teaching navy in Kiel, the Integrated School of Ocean Sciences ( ISOS ) was successfully established by the cluster. PhD students and their supervisors voluntarily take part in the ISOS PhD program and obtained by based on a transparent system, certain advantages, but also obligations.

The main objective is to improve the training of young scientists and their research through a four -pronged approach in a clearly defined regulatory framework through additional training, greater cooperation, greater exchange among each other as well as financial incentives.

Currently, there are more than 120 graduate students from 14 institutes and 5 different faculties participated in the program (as of August 8, 2011 ). These include economics, natural, legal, and life sciences. An extension to the political science and philosophy is imminent. ISOS is open to all Kieler doctoral students who are willing to work on a marine theme and colleagues from two collaborative research centers ( SFB) and others, funded by various sources, structured and unstructured marine science projects involve.

Between 2007 and 2011, 46 different academic courses (eg Research Methods, programming, various multidisciplinary marine subjects ) were offered by ISOS. ISOS Students are encouraged to sharpen their academic profile and their ability to think further than their own department is challenged.


  • Future Ocean: Annual Report 2008, Kiel 2009 Online. .
  • Future Ocean: Renewal proposal for a cluster of excellence The Future Ocean. Kiel 2011.

Further Reading

  • Future Ocean, maribus. World Ocean Review 2010 mare Verlag, Berlin 2010 Online.