Interfering noise

Noise is noise with negative sound quality, that is the sound event leads to an auditory event that is not perceived as unpleasant, annoying, disturbing, negative associations triggering or as a product suitable.


There is a noise (English interfering noise) then referred to as noise, if at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • A noise is unpleasant or disturbing, even if a man expects a noise due to his actions. The sound quality is worse than expected. The degree of disorder ( low or high) is not relevant.
  • A noise occurs without the user can expect the sound event by his actions (for example rumble of interior trim ).
  • The noise is not an information carrier in terms of the user interface ( for example, warning sound when a lack of engine lubrication).

In the definition of the sound quality enter into a variety of different parameters. The definition takes into account the psychologically important distinction between interference and noise function. Thus, operation sounds like a rich sound of the engine are quite desirable. Also, there is some consensus among automobile developers that complete acoustic insulation by the customer is not allowed.

Hum and noise

Noise caused by relative motion of contact points. On the origin of noise, two conditions must be met in common:

  • The contact between bodies
  • Relative motion between bodies

Cause this action in the interior of most of noise is the relative movement of various components to each other which are caused by the vibration during driving. Generate noise at contact points. Hitting two parts to each other or rub against each other, then may arise noise. Therefore, the search for the root causes of noise is closely linked to the search for relevant contact points. Can be isolated and labeled on the basis of previous experience from previous products, based on further surveys of quality production specialists, based on surveys of Störgeräuschspezialisten as well as their own knowledge by now all critical contact points. Here also design drawings, pictures, sketches (and whatever else available ) used to represent the problem visually. Videos from previous experiences are particularly important because they appeal to the audiovisual part of the human brain and therefore are particularly efficient in the generation of awareness.

Characterization of the noise level

A noise does not have to be loud. A mosquito in a bedroom can produce a disturbing noise, even though it is very quiet and is only about 30 dB ( A). An orchestra may (but need not ) on the other hand produce very pleasant sounds, even if they amount to almost 90 dB ( A). The finale of a Wagner opera can be as loud as unload highway noise. But everyone is different unconsciously between good and bad sounds. Every sound signaled a certain message to the subconscious mind. If it is unwelcome, that can be a problem. It is the brain and not the ear that decides whether a sound is perceived as pleasant. The human hearing apparatus registered only as a physical gauge pressure waves and frequencies of the sound. At the top of the hit list of the most annoying noises rank stick-slip noise ( stick-slip noise) as squeaking, creaking and creaking.
