Internal communications

As an internal communication, the verbal and nonverbal communication between members of a particular group or organization is understood with the meaning and purpose of optimizing organizational processes (efficiency), dissemination of information (transparency), exchange (dialogue) as well as motivation and retention. This is the internal communication is one of two parts of the organizational and corporate communication. For internal communication of companies and other organizations, such as NGOs, political parties and authorities, is also synonymous with the concept of employee communication.

Basically, two different types of internal communication can be distinguished: The formal communication and informal communication.

Formal internal communication

In principle, a single communication process in business is no different from communication in the private sector, also here that the general principles of communication have their effect. However, there is overall differences by certain companies in existing frameworks. The planned communication in business is not open to choice, but determined by the organizational requirements and rules, they give both form and content, as well as the flow of communication before. Therefore, we call this organized part of the internal communication formally.

Feature of this formal communication is that it is mostly organized permanent and independent of individuals to ensure a smooth internal communication flow. The obligation to formal organization of communication processes arises, for example, from the Works Constitution Act. Thus, employers are obliged to inform the employees about their work tasks, hazards, personnel records, etc. according to § § 81-83. However, all companies will try to use the internal communication to optimize their organizational processes About this obligation beyond communication.

In general, formal internal communication is in a certain way verschriftlicht (protocols, e-mail, memos ) and can be controlled by means of a workflow management system.

Informal internal communication

About the characteristics of formal communications addition, the internal communication or by an informal share honors, covering the entire non-prescribed and organizationally controlled proportion. In the past, this was often referred to as " grapevine " designated proportion as unreliable, unpredictable, and therefore understood as a disorder of the formal communication and tries to prevent this informal communication as far as possible.

It was only after the announcement of the so-called Hawthorne effect was clear that the human work performance is greatly influenced by social factors and thus contributes also informal communication, to increase the efficiency of enterprises.

Instruments of internal communication

The traditional instruments of internal communication, eg media such as staff magazines, focusing mostly on internal information, motivation and orientation function. In addition, there are tools such as electronic media, which are used quickly and conveniently just in multinational communication contexts. Mixt you both types of communication media, it is called cross-media. The media described here are a selection of the suitable media, since in principle all information channels, media of classical marketing ( flyers, brochures, posters, etc. ), but also post-its and tailored to the operational environment and ambient media (such as floor mats, posters in toilets, projectors, etc.) can be used. Especially with exceptional media can be generated in a time of information overload attention. Many of these media (eg posters) also are well suited for local actions that do not affect the entire company, but should inform the employee of individual sites, buildings or units targeted.

The traditional instruments of ( formal) internal communication are:

  • Circular for standardized distribution lists in preferably reusable interoffice mail envelopes
  • Bulletin boards
  • Events (eg staff meeting )
  • Management Information Letters
  • Appraisal interview
  • Newsletter; Staff magazine
  • Circular
  • Blackboard.

Electronically based instruments of internal communication are:

Heavily involved in processes of internal communication, especially when it comes to electronic implementation of communication-relevant requirements in the corporate communications, knowledge managers are usually.

In the internal communication is usually combined with push- pull instruments. Push instruments are such media, the information resulting directly contribute to a particular group of recipients, such as e -mails. However, pull media provide information on a specific platform available, but must be actively accessed ( for example, information on an intranet system). Again, there are again mixed solutions, such as when features such as automatic notifications for new e- mails or in-house news are provided on an intranet or discussion forums available.
