International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development


Kathmandu, Nepal

December 5, 1983

ICIMOD is the abbreviation for " International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development", the International Centre for Integrated Development in Mountain Regions. ICIMOD is an applied international cooperation, independent center, which has set itself the goal to capture the knowledge of mountain and hill regions and to collect and the resulting skills and expertise to improve the livelihoods of mountain people in the room of Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalaya to use ( with the adjoining areas of the Tibetan Plateau ). ICIMOD serves eight regional member countries ( RMC) of the Hindu Kush - Karakoram - Himalayan region ( HKH region): Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan - and beyond all mountaineers worldwide. Founded in 1983, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal, settled, ensuring a partnership of its regional member countries, partner institutions and the donor countries who are involved in development work for a better future for people and the environment in the enlarged HKH region.
