International Classification of Diseases for Oncology

The International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD -O ) is a medical classification. It represents an extension of the ICD -10 for oncology and how these by the World Health Organization ( WHO) developed and maintained. The current version is ICD -O-3 of 2000 ( German translation of August 2003).

The chapter " Malignant neoplasms " of ICD- 10 is not sufficiently accurate for the classification of tumors, for example in cancer registries, since it allows, for example, in general, no information on the histological type of disease.

Therefore, a two-axis system has been developed. One axis indicates the location of the tumor (topography axis, the German localization key ), the other the histological appearance of the tumor ( morphology axis Histologieschlüssel ).

The codes of the topography axis essentially correspond to the codes of the chapter " Malignant neoplasms " of the ICD.


  • ..
  • C18.2 ascending colon
  • C18.3 hepatic flexure
  • C18.4 Transverse Colon C18.41 transverse colon, right third ( German extension of the topography of part )
  • C18.42 transverse colon, middle third
  • ...

The codes of the morphology axis are also included in part of the morphology of SNOMED and constructed as follows:

____ / _: Basic shape of the tumor / dignity ( malignancy )


  • 8140 / 0 adenoma o.n.A. ( benign tumor )
  • 8140/1 Atypical adenoma ( unsafe behavior, that is neither complete nor entirely benign malignant)
  • 8140/2 adenocarcinoma in situ o.n.A. ( superficial, not infiltrating tumor)
  • 8140/3 Adenocarcinoma o.n.A. ( infiltrating tumor)
  • 8140/6 Adenokarzinommetastase
  • 8140/9 Unsure if primary adenocarcinoma or Adenokarzinommetastase

The German translation of the ICD -O is provided as the ICD by the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information ( DIMDI).

Yet to come to classification of tumors other systems used to describe, among other things, the stage of disease, such as the TNM classification.
