International Fairtrade Certification Mark

A fair trade label or Fair - Trade label identifies goods, including Fair Trade, in whose preparation so certain social and sometimes environmental criteria were met. Such seals are awarded mainly by national organizations, so-called Siegel initiatives that are members of the international umbrella organization Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International ( FLO). Since early 2003, the seal of the FLO is unified in most countries. There are also product-specific label and own label some enterprises. In 2012, sales in Germany with Fair Trade products at around 533 million euros, with the strongest coffee fair trade product.

Fair Trade standards

The award of the Fair Trade logo is linked to a number of criteria by the Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International ( FLO) developed and defined in Bonn. This may include direct trade with producers groups without intermediaries, pre-financing and long-term supplier relations and ecological standards. At the core of Fair Trade standards is the payment of a guaranteed minimum price, which is to cover the cost of living and production costs of producers. In addition, must have a social premium, the so-called fair - trade premium is paid, the economic and social development projects possible.


Compliance with these criteria is checked by the international certification body FLO -CERT. Groups of producers, distributors and licensees be checked regularly.

Licensing of the Fair Trade logo

Licenses for the use of the seal are granted by national labeling initiatives in companies. In the German -speaking world, these are TransFair Germany, the Max Havelaar Foundation for Switzerland and Fairtrade Austria.
