International Federation of Competitive Eating

The International Federation of Competitive Eating, Inc. ( IFOCE abbreviated ) hosted and organized world eating contest. Among the most important events include the International Hot Dog Eating Contest, held in New York each year, Independence Day and La Costena "Feel the Heat" Jalapeño Eating Contest and the Krystal Square Off Hamburger Eating Championship Word. The IFOCE was founded in 1997 by brothers George and Richard Shea. The Association organizes hundreds of such events worldwide today. The headquarters of the IFOCE is located in New York City, which is also IFOCE actively in Japan, Britain, Germany, Canada and Thailand.

The IFOCE has thousands of betting eaters obliged to act exclusively on their competitions. Among the most famous part of Joey Chestnut from California and the Korean-born U.S. citizen Sonya Thomas. Both have the International hot dog eating contest won. Among the competitors also include the Japanese Takeru Kobayashi, with the IFOCE but involved in litigation, as this also takes part in events that are not organized by the IFOCE.

The IFOCE organizes among other television shows that focus on eating contest. This included, for example, in 2002 Glutton Bowl, a two-hour eating competition, which aired on Fox Network.
