International Indian Treaty Council

The International Indian Treaty Council ( IITC ) is an organization of indigenous peoples of North, Central and South America. The IITC strives to sovereignty and self-determination of indigenous peoples and the recognition and protection of indigenous rights ( treaty rights, land rights, hunting and fishing rights ), their cultural and sacred places.

The IITC was founded in 1974 at a meeting of the American Indian Movement in Standing Rock, South Dakota more than 5,000 representatives of 98 indigenous nations from all over the Americas. In the same year traveled IITC representative in Switzerland and excited there at the creation of a support network. This showed the Swiss human rights organization Incomindios Switzerland.

1977, the IITC became the first indigenous organization that received the consultative status of the Economic and Social Council of the UN ( Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council ).

Today, the IITC is one of the most influential NGOs in the forums of the UN.
