International Volunteer Day

The International Volunteer Day ( en. International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, IVD ) is a December 5, Barred annual commemoration and action to recognize and promote volunteer work. It was decided in 1985 by the UN, with effect from 1986. In Germany he replaced de facto the day of volunteering, which was formerly celebrated on December 2. On this day also of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany will be awarded to particularly dedicated people.

State appreciation in Germany

In Germany, the then Federal President Christian Wulff has deliberately used in the year 2011 the Volunteer Day to a public appreciation of all volunteer activities for the benefit of the community. The head of state drew in his residence Bellevue Palace in Berlin from 28 citizens of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Thus, men and women were honored from all federal states for their " extraordinary civic engagement ".

At the same time praised the German Cancer Aid as " largest citizens' initiative against cancer in Europe" in a statement to the public spirit: " This day is dedicated to all the volunteers who work for the common good ."

Wide range of services

The states were involved in the proposals for the religious ceremonies to achieve the widest possible range of under assessment merits. Among the award winners were according to official figures, three citizens who participate voluntarily against right and racism and for the diversity in society. The excellent women and men involved, for example in education, youth and senior citizens, social, religious and cultural sphere or services purchased from the animal or nature protection. The age of the awardees was between 30 and 80 years.
