
International (from Latin inter, between and national, nation or tribe ) means interstate.

The term was coined in 1789 by Bentham. In common parlance it can - Nations concerning - mean three things:

  • The one hand, something that affects several States or their citizens, such as international agreements.
  • On the other hand, the adjective is always used when something about the state borders has validity.
  • These two meanings partially close the term supranational one, which refers to operations or organizations between several states, or nations. For example, the Coal and Steel Community was not an international, but a supranational community, which continues also applies to the European Union. (see: intergovernmentalism, Internationalism (politics ) )

In recent times, it must be noted that the term in the language comprehension of the intercontinental or global approaches internationally.

Transnational is a relationship that is simultaneously performed in the sub-national, national and international, and in the context of this.

Discussed are:

  • Transnational economic groups (see World Group )
  • Transnational civil society that can act through global communication world and at the same concerted local ( national) actions, such as demonstrations against war, organize.