
The Interrex (literally: "Between King " ) was in the Roman Republic appointed by the Senate, a patrician who was exclusively responsible for the implementation of the consular elections, when it could not even do the former consuls. This case occurred in the policy only when both consuls were dead.


On the basis of the title, the lack of collegiality and tradition can be assumed that the Office has its origin in the royal period. Presumably it was to the king to appoint his successor. However, this right was either in principle or at least perceived in the case of an unclear succession of a Interrex. After the death of the King, the Senate met and divided into ten Dekurien where probably an order of senators was drawn. It then ruled the first -ranked senators each Dekurie each for up to five days. Then ruled that, if by then no choice of a king had come about standing in second place. It was the first Interrex not allowed to perform a choice.

In the Republic a Interrex was appointed when a top magistrate to conduct the elections to the consulate was not available. According to Roman law understanding of the consular auspicium could only be passed from person sacred legal reasons by a consul to the next. If this sequence is interrupted, walked the auspicium transitional to the Senate back ( auspicia ad patres redeunt ), whose patrician members then himself - again for five -day periods - Inter Reges appointed to perform sacred legally sound consular elections. The last time this happened in 52 BC

Known inter Reges

The list follows in its aggregation and the sources mentioned the appearance of P. Willems. Your completeness can not be safely assumed, as opposed to the consulate for the inter Reges is no single ancient formation.
