
An intranet, from the Latin for intra " within " and English net for " network ", is a computer network that is not public as opposed to the Internet.

In contrast to terms such as Local Area Network and Global Area Network, this term does not denote the spatial extent of a computer network, but the (limited ) extent of its user population.

Physically separate network segments of intranets are traditionally connected by leased lines. With IPsec tunnels can be created by the Internet, which not only connect network segments, but also connect individual mobile devices. Interfaces to the Internet are controlled by firewalls. In general, participants must sign an intranet via a "Login" mask, which consists of a user name and password to login. Thus, the assignment of access rights of individual participants can be controlled via the user management of the operating system.

An extranet is a part of an intranet, to another, privileged user group has a secured access from outside.


In an organizational and corporate computer network based on the same techniques (TCP / IP, HTTP) and applications such as the Internet is based and the employees of a company or organization is as an information, communication and application platform, including directory services available to are provided.

For the IT infrastructure which means the use of TCP / IP as the network protocol, Internet services as an application based and web browsers as universal user interface.

The term intranet is often used regardless of its technical definition for the summary of the company or the community 's internal web communications. These file servers, web sites, chats or forums belong. Typical contents are in-house public information such as rules, agreements, procedures and work flow statements, employee newsletters, documents and forms. The access of the employee is often via an intranet portal.


  • Accelerate Internal information flows
  • Optimized use of the Internet
  • Simplify work by all departments can access the common database and not have to look for lists and card indexes
  • Automate some processes
  • Ask a wealth of analysis options available
  • Privacy Policy


Intranets are everywhere disseminated, where employees can learn about the latest releases as well as rules and agreements. They also refer to the intranet important documents and forms, they can download, print out or edit their work for the. In addition to the intranets in companies they are also used in many authorities. Especially large companies, such as banks and airlines rely specially modified variants browser as a user interface.

Also, some states have an intranet, an extreme example is North Korea. There, most people have no access to the Internet, but only in the country's own intranet (which is censored) surf.

With an intranet companies pursue the aim of improving the provision of information for employees. For this purpose, the complete process, from quality assured provision of information, the target group-oriented ( personalized ) distribution of information and quickly finding and the ease of use of information in the context of business processes are optimized. Another side effect of the unified user interface is a stronger in-house belonging to the users ( corporate design, corporate identity).

In goal- leading use of technology ( content management, workflow management ) can be combined with intranets the effectiveness of knowledge workers and thus increase the competitiveness of companies.
