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Invensys plc is a company that is active worldwide in the field of control systems and has come to specialize in the areas of industrial automation, rail transportation and climate control. According to the operating activities of the Company was divided into the areas of Invensys Operations Management, IPS, Wonderware and Eurotherm and Invensys Controls. The former area Invensys Rail heard since May 1, 2013 at Siemens.

The shares were at times in the FTSE 100 and are now in the FTSE 250 listed.

The company employs approximately 17,000 people.

Brand name of the Group are mainly:

  • Foxboro
  • IPS
  • Invensys Controls
  • Wonderware
  • Avantis
  • SimSci - Esscor
  • Eurotherm
  • Triconex
  • Eberle