
An invention is a creative work, is a new problem solution, so to achieve a new goal by known means or a known target with new tools or a new destination with new means possible. From inventions is very often spoken in the context of solving technical problems, about the invention of the motor or of dynamite. Such inventions can be protected under certain circumstances by a patent or a utility model. Inventions, there are also in the cultural field. For example, the modern opera is regarded as the invention of Claudio Monteverdi.

Invention and discovery

From the concept of the invention is the discovery is to be deferred. A discovery relates to something already existing, which is unknown and whose benefits indefinitely. This has been due to the discovery not changed (except for the associated increase in knowledge of an individual or the general public). Examples are the discovery of gravity, an asteroid, a chemical substance or a species. An invention, however, always relates to a new knowledge which has not yet been there. However, this thing is what we already know in a context that it does not enter completely new as something on. It will be made ​​to known objects or processes change, so that their effect is improved qualitatively or quantitatively.

Today it tends to refer only to technical inventions procedures or things and abstract things, such as the invention of a new versification to exclude it.

A more precise definition is: discovery is the initial characterization of a natural law (eg electric force between atoms, Coulomb ) or derived from natural laws Act ( reaction rate of a chemical reaction). Invention, however, is the application of the laws of nature in a previously -seen-before constellation to solve a given problem (technology). Thus, each initial characterization or application of a technique is an invention, for example, an awning for spaceships. A new meter does not apply any laws of nature and is therefore not an invention, even if the creation was new and awesome.

First inventions

First inventions already made the natural man. Chiefly related tools that had a better use of the arm and hand result. After the man had made ​​the discovery that a stone in the hand increased the effect of the arm, he could give the stone a special shape in order to increase its effectiveness. The result was the invention of the hand-ax, the ax, the ax, the hammer, the sickle and the sword.

Critics argue that man can not be described as the first inventor. Today is known in zoology that even "simple" animals, such as birds, possess the necessary skills to make inventions and disseminating that information to conspecifics. Higher mammals ( chimpanzees, gorillas ) are herein even very good. However, it is also answered in the affirmative to this approach almost impossible to classify such an event in the field of technology, which would be defined as required for true inventions.

The process of inventing ( Geneplore Model)

Finke and others (1992 ) dealt with the processes of creative inventing taking into account the Geneplore model. According to this model, two phases can be distinguished in the invention process: In the generative phase called preinventive forms are developed; in the exploratory phase of this preinventive forms are interpreted and improved in terms of their function. Finke and others tested this approach in which they three different geometric figures (eg, a cube, a semi-circle, a string ) could be combined into complex objects subjects under different experimental conditions. It turned out that the subjects in default of the figures and the object category to be created more frequently brought into being creative results than without these requirements. A limitation of the task thus lead to more creative results. In further experiments, it was found that even more creative results are obtained when subjects initially only combine the three objects, without taking into account the object class or function (or when they first preinventive synthesized forms ). The preinventive forms have by Finke and others a function independent aesthetics and are also characterized by implicit meaningfulness, so that they are versatile and flexible interpretation. These results suggest, frequently applied in creative tasks, the principle function -follows- form.

TRIZ is a formalized process to concrete problem-solving approaches that can lead to inventions.

Effect of inventions

Our Western civilization is based largely on the use and consumption of goods ( and services). These need to be worked out. This will generally have at least experienced in its quantity as unpleasant, so people are largely endeavors as effectively as possible to work ( tool use ) and the necessary work of machines to make do - a goal also serve the most inventions.

This required - except coping with the thus raised, often profound side effects on other areas - the technical development in three stages:

1 Material: It takes many durable, reliable tools

2 Power: The tools must be made ​​, it must therefore be used.

3 Information: tool construction and use require knowledge, knowledge processing, transmission.

Patentable inventions

A patentable invention is a

  • Susceptible of industrial application,
  • New,
  • Non-obvious technical teaching, that is, an instruction for use of controllable forces of nature to achieve a direct cause and effect

In German, Austrian and Swiss patent law stipulates that the invention must lie in a technical field. This was made ​​clear that a patent can be granted only for a technical invention, but must also be issued in any technical field alike.

Not patentable inventions

Discoveries are not patentable. Neither are regarded as inventions, scientific theories, laws of physics or mathematical models; also they are discovered.

Also of intellectual ( ie creative ) works from literature, music or art are not classified as an invention. A legal protection of such works may arise from copyright.

Computer programs are not patentable inventions in general. Exceptions exist when the program is used to control the forces of nature ( eg airbags, electronic engine control). The exact definition is currently very controversial ( see software patents).

In the European Patent Convention ( EPC) are listed in Article 52 of the exclusions from patent law concept of invention.

Laws and treaties

  • European Patent Convention Article 52