Ion Emanuel Florescu

Ion Emanuel Florescu, Johann Emmanuel Florescu, (* 1819 in Râmnicu Vâlcea, † May 22, 1893 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian general and politician.

Florescu graduated from the Military School in Saint- Cyr in Paris. In 1854 he was assigned as colonel of the Russian army during the Crimean War, the Russian generals Lüders and Dannenberg.

Florescu was one of the influential members of the party of the boyars and the most determined supporters of Russia. He was promoted to General and was frequently both under Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza as well as under Charles the First Minister of War, most recently in conservative cabinet of Lascar Catargiu 1871 until 1876.

Because an accusation he could not participate in the Russian-Turkish War 1877/78. After the charges had been withdrawn, was Florescu member of the Senate and its president as well as a leader of the Conservative Party.

After the fall of the Ministry Manu Florescu was formed on March 2, 1891, together with Catargiu a new cabinet, but that zurückzutrat again in December 1891.
