Ip massacre

The massacre of Ip took place on the morning of September 14, 1940 in the village instead of Ip in Crisana, as the Hungarian army, killed 158 civilians in their invasion of Romania after the Second Vienna Award, apparently assisted by local vigilantes.

1990 Ip a monument in memory of the victims was erected, and the Romanian army produced a documentary for the Romanian Television.


  • Ip şi Trăznea, Atrocităţi maghiare şi actiune Diplomatica, Dr. Petre Ţurlea, ed Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1996
  • Ardealul pamant românesc. Problema Ardealului văzută de un american, Milton G. teacher, ed Vatra Românească, 1991
  • Urmaşii lui Atilla, Radu Theodoru, Editura Miracol, Bucureşti, 1999, ISBN 973-9315-38-0
  • Teroarea horthysto - Fascista în north- vestul României ( septembrie 1940 - Octombrie 1944), Mihai Fătu, Mircea Muşat ( Coord. ) ​​, Ed. Politica, Bucureşti, 1985.