Irwin Hasen

Irwin Hasen ( born July 8, 1918 in New York City, New York) is an American comic book artist and cartoonist.

Life and work

After completion of the Dewitt Clinton High School studied rabbits at the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League. After freelance beginnings in the advertising industry, he began in the late 1930s to work as a professional cartoonist. 1942 created hares, along with writer Bill Finger, for the first part of the series the figure of the masked Sensation Comics Wildcat adventurer whose stories he drew in the sequence until the later 1940s. Rabbits was drafted during the Second World War and was until his dismissal in 1946, the editor of a magazine army.

In the 1950s, rabbits created the series The Fox for the later become known as Archie Comics publisher. At this time he met on a trip to Europe Gus Edson, with whom he created the newspaper comic strip Dondi in 1955. For Dondi the National Cartoonist Society Story Comic Strip Award rabbits received in the years 1961 and 1962. In 1969, he received the Silver T- Square Award from the National Cartoonist Society.
