
ISBI ​​Erra ( Ischbi - Erra ) was around 2017-1985 BC, king and founder of the dynasty of Isin.

He joined the legacy of III in a sense. Dynasty of Ur. The chronology of his rise to power is not properly determine; he recognized the authority of the king of Ur longer than a number of other princes and city joined with certainty only after Ibbi - Suens twelfth year of reign as an independent ruler on.


During the next two or three years, he managed to extend his sphere of Nippur, which was crucial for the rule in Sumer importance.

Little is known about the next government years. Some texts speak of fortifications and point to struggles with Elamite invaders as well as on the establishment of diplomatic relations with a number to Mesopotamia encroaching nomadic tribes.

After the destruction of Ur, the following picture provides: The legitimacy of ISBI Erras supremacy was probably partly due to its protectorate over Nippur, in the north to Arrapha (modern Kirkuk ) and in the south recognized until after Dilmun (modern Bahrain); it is therefore confirmed in the supposition ISBI Erra was heir to the empire of the III. Dynasty of Ur have been considered.

Eight years after the destruction of Ur succeeded ISBI Erra to expel the left in the ruins of the city of enemy garrison. Later he built the city, and installed the statue of the moon god Nanna, the patron god of Ur, who had been abducted by the invaders after Ansan. This was ISBI Erra's claim as the legitimate successor of the kings of the III. Dynasty of Ur further strengthened.

About the rulers that followed four generations in direct line to ISBI Erra, little is known on the whole.
