Ishtori Haparchi

Estori ha - Parchi (* around 1282 in Florenzia, Spain; † about 1357 in Palestine) was the first Jewish researcher of Palestinian topography. His epithet ha - Parchi can be interpreted as the " from Florenzia ".

After the expulsion of the Jews from France in 1306, he lived in Beit Shean, where he delivered one of the most important descriptions of the medieval village, whose former meaning was no longer recognizable. His most famous work is Kaftor wa - ferach ( "Knauf and Flower" ), including on Palestinian position determination. The work's title is an allusion to the name of the author ( " Parchi " is the adjective to " Perach " flower).


  • Bernard Zolty (ed. ): Estori Ha - Parhi: Caftor wa - ferah. Introduction, traduction française, notes. Paris o.J..