Isla Bastimentos National Marine Park

The National Marine Park Island Bastimento ( Parque Nacional Marino Isla Bastimento ) is a national park in the north- western Panama. It includes a large part of the island of Bastimentos, many small islands, and for the most part ( 11,596 ha) sea surface.

Flora and Fauna

In this National Park is home to:

  • More than 300 plant species, including cedar trees
  • 28 reptile and amphibian species ( 17 of which are threatened with extinction ), which among other things put four species of marine turtles on the beaches of the island their eggs, poison dart frogs, alligators, Kaimanee
  • 68 bird species, including frigate birds, hummingbirds, yellow-cheeked amazon
  • 32 mammal species, including capuchins, two-and three -toed sloths, agoutis
  • Over 200 species of fish
  • Stone and octocorals and Others

Flora and fauna under water

The view was, at best, of course, certain points very different and depending on the proximity of sandy beaches, etc., at 10 m clear / 15 m diffuse vertically and sometimes more than 15 m horizontally clear. The underwater world is dominated in the shallow water area of seagrass beds ( Thalassia testudinum ), in places, the carpet-forming coral Porites porites and Porites astreoides, and mainly red and brown algae. The main part of the coral Millepora complanata make, some brain corals ( Collophyllia natans, Labyrinthine Brain Coral, Diploria strigosa and Diploria clivosa ), are found, Montastraea sticks ( Montastraea annularis and Montastraea cavernosa ) are found at greater depths. In contrast to the archipelago to Colon are in the southern coastal area of ​​the massive, red-brown hemispherical coral heads of Siderastrea Siderea that grow up in the area of ​​low water levels, rather rare. They often form typical "mini- atolls " with an annular bead of living coral polyps and a central plateau dead. Furthermore, Meandrina find meandrites and several sea urchins ( Echinonetra lucunter ). Porolithon pachydermun ( coralline algae ) grows over many, especially through the sewage plume of inhabited islands, dead coral areas. In flow regions antler coral Acropora cervicornis is occasionally larger areas are also some table corals (Acropora Acropora palmata or spicifera ) seem to prefer this habitat. All along the Caribbean coast side of the species richness and quantity of the fish world in recent years has decreased tremendously.

Environmental protection under water

The study by the University of Stuttgart ( see references ) points out, however, that the reefs were in the area at the time in relatively good condition, but on the edge of life possible. This also shows the lack of reefs banana plantations. The pollution caused by waste, wastewater and freight traffic has increased significantly since then, and is likely exacerbated since the study. It should also be noted that the stock of sea stars and sea cucumbers is almost completely collapsed through the depletion of Asian customers! Many large marine gastropods (especially Panam. Cambute = Strombus raninus ) are particularly consumed by the native population, offered to tourists as a specialty and are now also from extinction. Contrary to the laws of eggs of sea turtles in many markets offered to the public itself. In recent years tourism has become a threat, but also a chance for the reef - if they lead to appropriate responses.


There is a nature trail. Visitors can observe the turtle nesting in the respective seasons. The Isla Bastimentos has several beaches for surfing (including Wizard & Paunch ) and is accessible from the main island of Colón Island by boat taxi in a few minutes.

Literature reference

  • Institute of Geology and Paleontology, University of Stuttgart (ed.): Profile Volume 10 (1996 ), ecology and sedimentology of a recent ramp system on the Caribbean coast of Panama. Very interesting scientific study of the underwater world in the archipelago Almirante ISSN 0941-0414.
  • National Park in Panama
  • National Park in North America
  • Bocas del Toro Province