Isma'il ibn Jafar

Ismā ʿ īl ibn Dascha ʿ far (Arabic إسماعيل بن جعفر, DMG Ismā ʿ īl b Ǧa ʿ far, . * In the early 8th century; † 760 ), surnamed al - Mubarak ( " the Blessed One " ) was the namesake and sixth Imam of the Ismailis. He was the eldest son of Imam ʿ far al-Sadiq Dascha and his first wife Fatima, a granddaughter of al -Hasan ibn ʿ Alī.

Ismā ʿ īl was designated by his father Dascha ʿ far as his successor, but he died before his death. This led among the supporters of his father to a disengagement, because this meant that a true Imam himself can not err. Dascha ʿ far defended himself with the fact that a divine will change ( BADA ʾ ) had occurred, he could not foresee. However, the supporters who had turned away from him, considered this an excuse.

The party that held after the death Ismā ʿ ILS to the Imamate Dascha ʿ fars, split after his death into several groups. One group said that Ismā ʿ īl was the Imam now. They denied that he had died during the lifetime of his father, and attended the contrary, the father had faked his death out of fear for his son and then hid it. This group, which has been referred to as the "pure Ismā ʿ Iliya " (al- Ismā ʿ Iliya al - Halisa ), claimed that " Ismā ʿ īl not die before he had not taken possession of the earth and assumed command of the people, and that he is the Qa'im was because his father had pointed to his Imamate. "

A second group claimed that the imam Il's son Muhammad was after Dascha ʿ ʿ Ismā fars death, to those fathered by a slave. The followers of this group thought namely that Dascha ʿ far have transferred the Imamate to his son Muhammad, after the death of his son, on the grounds that, according to al -Hasan and al -Husayn, the Imamate is not more of a brother to another brother, but always will only transmit in each offspring. Therefore, it has now also can not be transferred to Ismā ʿ il's brother ʿ Abd or Musa, the Imamate passed as to al- Husayn's death to his son ʿ Alī al- Husayn's brother Muhammad ibn al - Hanafi, however, no right had. The followers of this doctrine were called Mubarakiya, was named for a leader of them, Mubarak and a client of Ismā ʿ was īl.

From a group of Mubarakiya the main stream of Ismā ʿ Iliya, who carries on the Imamat in the progeny of Muhammad and Ismā ʿ īl considered their sixth Imam later developed. In contrast, the Twelver Shiites see Ismā ʿ il's 25 years younger half-brother Musa as heir to the Imamate and put their Imam series in its progeny continue.
