ISO 3166-2:CA

The list of ISO -3166 -2 codes for Canada contains the codes for the provinces and territories.

The codes are composed of two parts which are separated by a hyphen. The first part indicates the country code according to ISO 3166-1 ( for Canada CA ), the second the code for the province or territory. The current country code in the fourth newsletter of 10 December 2002 (PDF) last updated.

The country code consisting of two letters, all inspired by the post- geocodes by Canada Post. They have been revised three times, twice in 2000 and 2002. During the first ISO Newsletter ( published on May 21, 2000) was added as a third territory, Nunavut with the geocode NU. A year later, Newfoundland has been extended to Labrador, so the name had to be changed ( change in the second newsletter announced, even though the code remained the same). That brought the ISO in 2002 at the fourth newsletter (ISO 3166-2:2002-12-10 ) of 12 December 2002 after and changed the code of NF in NL.



