
International Ispell is the standard software for the spell checker on Unix. The original version was written in 1971 by RE Gorin for the PDP - 10 platform. Ispell is used in various Unix derivatives and is used by many programs: for example, there is a link to the text editor Emacs. Dictionaries for Ispell is available in many languages ​​, in addition to almost all European, inter alia, for Latin, Vietnamese and Afrikaans.

Ispell is free software, copyleft license that is not compatible with the GNU General Public License ( GPL). Thus, the GNU project has been trying for some time, with GNU Aspell to develop a successor for Ispell under the GPL.

In 2006, in OpenOffice Ispell replaced by Hunspell. Hunspell has become the de facto successor to Ispell, because it is used in many major software projects as a standard spell check. Among other things, the web browser Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera as well as the available since August 2009 Apple operating system Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
