Israel Alnaqua

Israel Ibn al - Naqawa († 1391 ) from Toledo was a Jewish scholar of the 14th century. He chose in pursuit of the 1391 suicide.

From him comes the lesser-known version ( of which there are two mutually in their relationship unresolved versions ) Scripture Menorat ha - Maor ( " candlestick of light" ), a representation of Jewish ethics in 20 chapters.

Much more common was the same font of Isaac Aboab, which was a real chapbook: After the seven-branched candlestick in the temple in seven " candles " divided the book into seven parts first contains a representation of poor properties ( self-indulgence, sinful speech ), then a positive description of the commandments of Torah study, penance, peacefulness, and charity and humility. As the average light the menorah represents the sun, here is the fourth chapter ( on Torah study ) the most important, the symmetrical three others are assigned.
