
The Israel News (Hebrew Chadashoth Israel ) was a German -language daily or weekly newspaper, which was published in Tel Aviv. The newspaper last appeared on January 27, 2011.


The newspaper was founded in 1935 by a native of Berlin bookseller Siegfried Blumenthal under the name S. Blumenthal's private correspondence and first appeared in hektographierter form. The name was changed in 1936 in Blumenthal's Latest News, 1943 in Yediot Chadashoth ( " Latest News "). After the death of Blumenthal's first led his heirs continued the newspaper. In 1975, the editorial was taken over by the publisher of the Labor Party for foreign-language publications, Pirsumim. Since then, the newspaper appeared under the name Chadashoth Israel ( "Israel News "). In the 1990s, the publishing house of Israel messages to the Moroccan entrepreneur George Edre was sold.

In 1950 the newspaper was one of the best-selling all over Israel. The circulation in 2005 was 4,000 copies, but then went back on. For a long time Israel published the news daily, was converted to a weekly publication in 2010. For economic reasons, the newspaper was discontinued in January 2011.

Columnist of the newspaper were, inter alia, Max Brod, Arnold Zweig and Henryk M. Broder.

Were led Israel News from 1975 until her death in August 2007 by Alice Schwarz - Gardos. With 91 years she was the oldest acting editor in chief of the world.
