Italic type

As italics (ongoing, currere of latin, run ',' race ') are referred to excellent passages and passages for emphasis accordingly. Here, the shapes of the characters are in the read direction inclined at an angle and are thus highlighted among the other perpendicular to the line of characters - individual forms may be entirely different. For this kind of writing award a specially provided script variant is used in most cases. The term italic is the English term for it, and can thus be found in many computer programs; in French it is called italique.

German typographers mean by italics sometimes a special script, which is the basis Auszeichnungsart, or a collective term for writing writings generally.

The English term cursive is used in computer systems to generally indicate that a script should be used for the representation, without having to explicitly designate one. Operating systems will use a default font for that. Examples are HTML or CSS dar.

Concept and creation

In the paleography the italics for fast writing designate suitable headings, relating their letters to each other.

While the " Roman " character and just be perpendicular to the base font of text, had the " Italian " sign a cursive script running, running - you are oblique, oblique, inclined to the right; they project their character body and possibly form ligatures. This meant that some italic characters other forms than the straight - examples can be found in Western as well as in Cyrillic.

The italics originated from quill manuscripts, so from the letter with a quill pen and writing instrument like as well as the claim faster write speeds. The cursive handwriting has been known since ancient times; the introduction of cursive document with letters is dated to the year 1501 and Aldus Manutius attributed.

In modern digital typesetting are original decorative cursive fonts that do not represent a typeface of a font family and can not be used to endorse or more commonly known as script fonts - also to distinguish them from newer digitized manuscripts.

Italic vs. kursiviert

In the area of desktop publishing real italic typefaces of kursivierten electronically are so inclined to distinguish headings: true italics are specially designed typefaces. In a true italic frequently distinguish the lowercase letters a, f, and g from those of the straight section. Visible are those of the additions italic ( true italics ) or oblique ( the italic a and g do not differ from the currently standing lowercase) in the name of the font. Electronically slanted fonts, however artificially inclined, creating a slightly distorted typeface. This process is referred to as italics or displacement deposition.

Links Inclined typefaces - such as the designation of waters in maps - are therefore obsolete.


Generally indicates an italic highlighting that it is the mot juste is a foreign word from another language or a word that is stressed within a sentence. The typeface loses its potential ambiguity. Therefore, it is often used when writing a text (eg in novels ) cursive writing, also because the cursive unlike semi-bold text set does not affect the gray value of the text and thus not stands out.


Due to their different emphasis both sets attain completely different meanings.

As a rule, in novels also a person's thoughts (inner monologue, but no indirect speech ) italics award made ​​"visible ":

In running text, it is common, and the like italic (rather than in quotation marks ) to put titles of books, films:

Similarly, ship names are italicized:

Is italic text in brackets, the brackets are set in italics; the following set of characters can be italicized or just set.

Italics in bibliographies

In some scientific citation is requested that the titles are awarded by independent publications ( books and magazines) in italics. The headings of paid employment publications, however, are then placed between quotation marks. Examples:

Italics in the formula set

In the formula set variables, constants and functions are in italics awarded to distinguish them from text and symbols can; for example

Italics for scientific names of species

Following international use, scientific names of species of animal and plant kingdom are in italics. If the name in brackets, so, however, the brackets are not in italics in this case. example:

Award within italic text

If you want to emphasize a word, especially within an italic text passage, the straight base font is used again:
