Ivankovo Reservoir

The Iwankowoer Reservoir (Russian Иваньковское водохранилище / Iwankowskoje wodochranilischtsche, also "Moscow Sea " or "Volga reservoir " ) is a reservoir on the Volga River in the European part of Russia. He is part of the so-called Volga - Kama cascade.

The dam ( 56.73507237.122703 ⊙ ) located at Dubna approximately 120 km north of Moscow. The construction was carried out together with the Moscow -Volga Canal from 1933 until 1937., The maximum storage capacity of the reservoir comprises 1,120 million cubic meters of water and covers an area of 327 km ².

The hydroelectric power plant is equipped with Kaplan turbines with a maximum capacity of 30 megawatts. Every year, thus 130 million kWh of electricity are produced.
