
The Ischiza (Russian ижица ( ížica ) Ѵ majuscule, minuscule ѵ ) is a letter of the early Cyrillic alphabet. It corresponds to the Greek letter Ypsilon and was used in words of Greek origin, but since their pronunciation with that of the И coincided, she is no longer used in the modern Slavic languages.


Were already in the Glagolitic alphabet and there are the letters Ischiza () as the last letter in the alphabet, the sound reproduced their ʏ. In Glagolitic number system he has no numeric value. When creating the Cyrillic alphabet the appearance of the letter has been adapted to the Ypsilon minuscule. Over time, changed the pronunciation of the letter to an i what the letter made ​​redundant to И.

In the Russian language the Ischiza therefore became increasingly rare in the 18th and 19th centuries. Beginning of the 20th century there was only a word family, which was mostly written with Ischiza: мѵро ' Myron '. The Russian spelling reform of 1918 mentions the Ischiza not, so it has been abolished without formal act.

In the Serbian language Ischiza however, remained continuously in use until it was abolished in the Serbian spelling reform of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić.

Andreas Johan Sjögren also used the Ischiza in the introduction of his alphabet for the Ossetian language. With the introduction of the Latin alphabet Y was used in its place, which was replaced by the Ы with the re-introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Today's use

In Church Slavonic, the Ischiza is still used today. As today's Greek Ypsilon they can be pronounced both as i ( if it represents a vowel) as well as v ( if it represents a consonant ). If the Ischiza represents an unstressed vowel and is not placed on top of an existing other diacritical mark, it will be marked with a special diacritic, called Okowy. This corresponded to the Greek Trema on the Ypsilon ( ϋ ), but the meaning is not the same. The Okowy can take various forms - usually the one Doppelgravis or double Akuts.

Number of characters

In the Cyrillic numbers had the Ischiza the time of the Old Slavic has a value of 400: It was in the Church Slavonic displaced by the Ѹ ligature and since then has no value.

Display on the computer

Unicode contains Cyrillic block both the normal Ischiza and the form with Okowy at the points U 0474 ( Ѵ ), U 0475 ( ѵ ), U 0476 ( Ѷ ) and U 0477 ( ѷ ). Misleading, the Ischiza with Okowy Unicode IZHITSA WITH DOUBLE GRAVE is called ' Ischiza with Doppelgravis ', although the Okowy may take various forms.


Slavonic letters

Аа Бб Вв Гг Ґґ Ѓѓ Дд Ђђ Ее Ѐ ѐ Ёё Єє Жж Зз Ѕѕ Ии Ѝ ѝ Іі Її Йй Јј Кк Ќќ Лл Љљ Мм

Нн Њњ Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Ћћ Уу Ўў Фф Хх Цц Чч Џџ Шш Щщ Ъъ Ыы Ьь Ээ Юю Яя

Not Slavonic letters

Ӑӑ Ӓӓ Әә Ӛӛ Ӕӕ Ғғ Ӷ ӷ Ӻ ӻ Ԁԁ Ԃԃ Ҕҕ Ӗӗ Ҽҽ Ҿҿ Ӂӂ Җҗ Ӝӝ Ҙҙ Ӟӟ ​​Ԑԑ Ӡӡ Ԅԅ Ԇԇ

Ӥӥ Ӣӣ Ӏ ӏ Ҋ ҋ Ққ Ҟҟ Ҡҡ Ӄӄ Ҝҝ Ԟԟ Ԛԛ Ӆ ӆ Ԉԉ Ԓԓ Ӎ ӎ Ҥҥ Ңң Ӊ ӊ Ӈӈ Ԋԋ Ӧӧ Өө Ӫӫ Ҩҩ

Ҧҧ Ҏ ҏ Ҫҫ Ԍԍ Ҭҭ Ԏԏ Ӳӳ Ӱӱ Ӯӯ Үү Ұұ Ҳҳ Ӽ ӽ Ӿ ӿ Һһ Ҵҵ Ӵӵ Ҷҷ Ӌӌ Ҹҹ Ӹӹ Ҍ ҍ Ӭ ӭ

Altkyrillische letters

Ҁҁ Ѹѹ Ѡѡ Ѿѿ Ѻѻ Ѣѣ Ꙗ ꙗ Ѥѥ Ꙓ ꙓ Ѧѧ Ѩѩ Ѫѫ Ѭѭ Ѯѯ Ѱѱ Ѳѳ Ѵѵ Ѷѷ Ꙟ ꙟ

  • Cyrillic letter