Ja'fari jurisprudence

  • Regions where Dschafariten represent the majority

As Dschafariya (Arabic جعفرية, DMG ǧa ʿ farīya ) refers to the followers of the dschafaritischen law school ( madhhab ) of Islamic jurisprudence ( fiqh ) that Abū ʿ Abd Allāh ibn Muhammad Dascha ʿ far al-Sadiq († 765 ) was established. It is the oldest still followed the law schools of Islam and that which followed the Imami or Twelver Shi'ites.

In part, it is also referred to as the fifth major legal school of Islam, and is represented mainly by the Shia.

The dschafaritische law school was indeed 1959 declared by al -Azhar University (Cairo ) for just as orthodox as the four traditional Sunni schools of law, much of the Sunnis do not follow this decision, however. In particular, the Wahhabis, who have recognized as a special group, the law school of Hanbaliya, reject the Dschafariten off as not orthodox.

Sunni Islam Hanafi ( according to Imam Abu Hanifa ) | Hanbali ( ibn Hanbal by Ahmad ) | Maliki ( Maalik ibn Anas after ) | Shafi ʿ ites ( according to al- Shafi ʿ ī ) | Zahiriten (after Dawud al - Zahiri

Shi'ite Islam Dschafariten (after Dascha ʿ far al-Sadiq ) | Zaidi (after Zayd ibn Ali ) | Ismailia (see on - Numan )

Kharijites Ibadis (after Jabir ibn Zaid )

  • Islamic school of law
  • Shiites