Jack Goody

Jack Goody ( born 1919 ) is a British anthropologist, anthropologist and media theorist.


Jack Goody received his doctorate in 1954 at Cambridge University and subsequently undertook field studies in Africa. From 1961 he taught at St John 's College, Cambridge, took in the 1960s, a professor in Ghana, and returned to Cambridge from 1973 to 1985, where he taught social anthropology.


Goody has published numerous influential publications written culture, the history of the family and rituals. Goody is considered one of the most famous English-language cultural scientist.

Services of the alphabet fonts

" The reason for the success of the alphabet, the David Diringer, in contrast to the " theocratic " Egyptian writing as a" called democratic " Scripture, so with the fact that his graphic characters - and in this it differs from all other writing systems - representations of most extreme and most universal example of cultural selection are - the elementary phonemic system Although the human speech organs can produce a huge number of phones, but relate almost all languages ​​in the formal recognition of only about forty of these sounds by the members of a society, the success of the alphabet.. ( the same goes for some of his occasional difficulties ) based on the fact that his system of graphic representation makes use of this socially conventionalized in all language systems sound structure in all linguistic systems advantage, because the fact that the alphabet symbolizes these selected phonemic elements, it is possible, everything what the company can speak, write without effort and to read the writing without ambiguities. [ ... ] "

" The transcript of some of the essential elements of the cultural tradition in Greece made ​​two things deliberately: the difference between past and present and the internal contradictions in the picture of life, which was to the individual by the cultural tradition, so far as it was recorded in writing conveys. We may assume that these two effects of the widespread alphabetic writing persisted and - above all be the invention of printing - have amplified many " (from: Jack Goody: The domestication of the Savage Mind, 1977; zit in )

