Jacob van Maerlant

Jacob van Maerlant ( * ca 1225 in Brugse Vrije, County of Flanders; † ca 1299 ) was a Flemish writer and translator. Among his most famous works include The nativity bloeme and Spigelian historiael, two compilations encyclopedic character.

Maerlant took up his residence in Damme near his birthplace. About 1260 he came to the place Maerlant, where he began to write. Back in Damme, he was around 1270, where he is buried.

First, he wrote in the tradition of chivalric romances, in Damme was the nativity bloeme along the lines of De natura rerum of Thomas of Cantimpré. The nativity bloeme is considered the first Nature Encyclopedia in the Dutch vernacular. The Spigelian historiael was an adaptation of the Latin Speculum historiale of Vincent of Beauvais.

Jan van Boendale from Antwerp called him the father of all poets in Dutch. After Jacob Maerlant of the award since 2006 Jacob van Maerlant Poëzieprijs is named.
