Jacques Bainville

Jacques Bainville ( born February 9, 1879 in Vincennes on the Seine; † February 9, 1936 in Paris) was a French journalist and historian, convinced monarchist and belonged to the Action Française.

Life and work

Bainville studied at Lycée Henri IV literature and history.

He glorified Napoleon in his widespread history of France and gave together with Alphonse Daudet and Charles Maurras, the newspaper Action française out the voice of an extreme nationalist and anti-democratic movement, some of which collaborated in the Second World War with the Germans.

From 1935 he was a member of the Académie française. He was considered the leading French historian of modern times.

Publications (selection)

  • Story of two peoples. France's fight against German unity. Hamburg 1939.
  • France's war aim. Hamburg 1939.
  • Napoleon. Munich 1950.

He also made ​​numerous publications in French.
