Jaguar warrior

Jaguar Warriors ( Nahuatl: Ocelotl ) were members of the Aztec army. They acted as elite units and were professional soldiers. Another group were the Eagle Warrior ( Nahuatl: cuauhtli ).

The totem of the Jaguar Warrior was the moon and stood for the night. The Jaguar warriors were used as active fighters on the battlefield. To recognize these warriors group was at their elaborate jewelry and her clothes. Often they dressed with the fur of a slain Jaguars.

Already in his early youth learned Aztec children to handle weapons and practiced for the war in special schools. By the age of fourteen years, the education of children was in the hands of parents. Thereafter, the State and its calpulli ( company ) were responsible for them. She regularly submitted to certain tests to test their progress. Only the best students were able to ascend to the caste of the jaguar and eagle warriors. For this, they had to be distinguished on the battlefield by special acts and capture enemy for the ceremonial human sacrifice warriors.
