Jaime Caruana

Jaime Caruana ( born March 14, 1952 in Valencia) is the General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements ( engl. Bank for International Settlements ). His five -year term began on 1 April 2009; his predecessor Malcolm Knight.

From 21 July 2000 to July 2006 he was governor ( = President) of the Bank of Spain. His successor, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez.


Caruana graduated in 1974 a degree in electrical engineering at the UPM ( Madrid Polytechnic University ) from.

It was 2003 Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in May. Caruana took over the Basel II project in a difficult phase. He won respect and praise from both parties involved ( regulators and banks); the revised agreement was completed in June 2004. In August 2006, Caruana ( Financial Counsellor to the Managing Director) and Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department was appointed by former IMF chief Rodrigo de Rato to the consultant.

During his six-year tenure as governor of the Bank of Spain, he was also a member of the six-member Governing Board in this function.

He then became a member of the influential Group of Thirty.
