Jakob Friedrich Fries

Jakob Friedrich Fries ( born August 23, 1773 in Barby, † August 10, 1843 in Jena ) was a German philosopher, physicist and mathematician.


Born the son of a clergyman received Fries as Friedrich Schleiermacher, 1778 his education in the Moravian schools in Niesky. After his theological education at the local theological seminary he studied from 1795 in addition to law and philosophy, first at the University of Leipzig in 1797 then with Johann Gottlieb Fichte in Jena and then worked as a private tutor in Switzerland until 1800. After completing his doctorate in the same year at Spruce he could habilitate 1801 with him and in 1805 as his opponent Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ao Professor. However, even in the same year he received an appointment as professor of philosophy and elementary mathematics (1812 nor extended physics ) at the University of Heidelberg. 1816 Fries was recalled to Jena in 1819, however, forced into retirement. In 1824 he received permission to return to lecture in mathematics and physics, 1838, and again in philosophy, which he was limited in its action as a philosopher.


If frieze also sparked by the pietistic stamping his former faith, structurally religious elements for the development of his philosophical system still remained dominant. His philosophical position with regard to his contemporaries he did in the critical work on Reinhold, Fichte, and Schelling (1803, reprinted in 1824 as a polemical writings ) as well as in the treatises system of philosophy as evident Science (1804 ) and knowledge, faith and punishment (1805, Neuaufl. 1905) clearly.

His most important treatise, the New or anthropological critique of reason from 1807 (2nd edition 1828-1831 ), was an attempt of the critical theory of Immanuel Kant in the self-reflection and the " self-confidence of reason" to give a new basis; Fries has entered the reproach of psychologism, an attempt was made to demonstrate how several times, but wrongly. In 1811 he published his system of logic and 1814, Julius and Evagoras, a philosophical novel. After his appointment to Jena to the chair of theoretical philosophy (including mathematics and physics and later philosophy) he undertook a crusade against the prevailing romanticism.

Politically Fries was an avowed liberal, nationalist and unionist, who supported the fraternities in many ways. His views he set forth in Scripture by the German Federal Government and the German constitution (1816 ), which he calls " the youth of Germany " was dedicated; In 1817 he performed at the Wartburg festival as a speaker. In his polemic about the threat to the prosperity and character of the Germans by the Jews (1816 ) he expresses himself clearly anti -Semitic; he characterizes Jews as " vermin " and endorses that a sign on their clothing which distinguishes it from the rest of the population. He also makes the German Jews for the growing social influence of money and encourages responsible for their emigration from Germany; it demands that we " exterminate " the Jews must. 1819 completed the adopted by the representatives of the German governments Carlsbad Decrees for his continued work.

Karl Ludwig Sand, the murderer of Kotzebue, was one of Fries ' students. A letter from him, which was found at another student and was warned in the sand before participating in secret societies, saw the suspicious authorities as proof of guilt. A court sentenced Mainz Jakob Friedrich Fries, so that the Grand Duke of Weimar authorization to teach from 1818 to 1824 had to withdraw him because of this and the participation in the Wartburg Festival in 1817. However, the Grand Duke paid the salary on.

Fries is considered the founder of the principle of " punishment " by which he sought to escape the dilemma of faith and knowledge. He led as the role of emotion and aesthetics as a principle of action. " Devotion " and "dedication " he designed to consequently non-religious categories of political action. After frieze conviction and disposition sufficient motives active participation in the political process. From its explosive nature of the ideological justification of targeted actions to attempt to date has not lost any of Fries ' approach.

Among the most important works Fries Heard '

  • His handbook of practical philosophy (1817-1832),
  • Handbook of psychological anthropology (1820-1821, 2nd edition 1837-1839 ) and his works
  • The mathematical philosophy of nature (1822 )

Since 1967, a scale to over 30 volumes complete edition of Jakob Friedrich Fries appears - All fonts. After spending the last hand assembled, and finished with a frieze lexicon provided by Gert König ( Bochum) and Lutz Geldsetzer ( Dusseldorf ) in Scientia Verlag Aalen.

The Fries'schen schools

Skip to first Fries'schen School (1847-1849) were: as their main representative of the philosopher Ernst Friedrich Apelt (1815-1859), editor of the series of treatises Fries'schen school, on the philosopher Ernst Sigismund Mirbt (1799-1847), Friedrich van Calker (1790-1870) and Heinrich Johann Theodor Schmid (1799-1836), the botanist Ernst Hallier (1831-1904), zoologist Oscar Schmidt (1823-1886) and the mathematician Oskar Schlomilch (1823-1901) and other. The mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) and the botanist Matthias Jacob Schleiden (1804-1881) estimated a high frieze; for the philosopher and theologian Friedrich Eduard Beneke (1798-1854) was Fries ' philosophy of substantial influence, as well as for the philosopher Jürgen Bona Meyer (1829-1897) and for the theologian Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette (1780-1849), Carl Heinrich Schleiden (1809-1890), the brother of the above Botanist, then for Karl August von Hase (1800-1890), Karl Schramm (1810-1888), Thank God Kramer and Otto Eggeling.

The Göttingen philosopher Leonard Nelson founded in the early 20th century a New Fries School, gave in 1904 a new episode of the treatises of Fries'schen School's out and in 1913 a to 1921 active Jakob Friedrich Fries society with the psychiatrist and psychotherapists Arthur Kronfeld as managing director.

In more recent times was in continuity among others the represented in Germany by Hans Albert and Helmut F. Spinner Critical rationalism of Popper's philosophy of Fries; in the USA, the philosopher Kelley L. Ross relates strongly to the philosophy Fries and operates under the title The Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series since 1996 as targeted e -journal ( s ) with a philosophical archive ( s. ).
