Jakobson's functions of language

Under language function, the functions are to be understood, which the language of the people. If someone expresses himself, he takes - intentionally or not - always perform multiple functions simultaneously. One can, for example, not only to inform someone (display function), without also revealing something of the same statement about yourself (expression function). The researchers have developed different models for language functions depending on the research perspective that have become known under different terms.

The language functions in detail


( Here only the functions of language according to Bühler, Jakobson and Schulz von Thun are listed. Besides there are other synonyms or competing concepts. )

Representation function, referential function, property page, reference to context

"The language refers to the world, to the objects and circumstances. Thus it fulfills its representational function. ". This makes language character symbol ( Buehler ).

Instead of the presentation function is called - some with different shades of meaning - of referential function, semantic function, representative function ( representational function of speech ) ...

Expression function; expressive, emotive function ( Emotivfunktion ); Self-declaration, stand on spoken

With the function expression is meant that by the language itself comes from the sender to express something and he proclaims something about his person. This can be done consciously or unconsciously.

Appeal function, conative, appellative function, appeal side, orientation to recipient

Based on the receiver, the language has a moment of the appeal: the speaker is trying to influence the recipient - by invitation, Please, command, request, etc.

Phatic function, relationship site, orientation on the contact

The phatic function is the function of the "contact holding or manufacturing, extending or interrupting a language contact", "to consider whether the contact medium is okay " at Jacobson, fur the "Channel "-related function that is used to ..

Metalinguistic function, orientation code

With the metalinguistic function ( Jakobson ) the function of language is called to talk about language. "The language can function as a meta-language for all other information and communication systems, but at the same time it is also the meta-language for themselves, ie for the language itself "

The metalinguistic function should only be possible in human language

Poetic function, focus on communication

The poetic function is to Roman Jakobson, the function of language " is in its formal appearance to a kind of special information. ". They dominated the work of art and is important in advertising.

The poetic function is of course particularly interesting for the study of literature. The " projected to the principle of equivalence of the axis of the selection to the axis of the combination. "

Poetic language is also characterized by the fact that it uses connotations (associated word meanings ), and thereby polysemy ( ambiguity ) creates. The poetic language is car- functional, by the dominance of linguistic form over content directs the literary text the attention of the reader / listener to itself

Models of language functions

Such models for speech functions play a role mainly in the general linguistics and psychology. Some of the popular models are:

  • Karl Bühler's organon model
  • Friedrich Kainz ' model of the four I- functions of language
  • Roman Jakobson's communication model Ossipowitsch
  • Friedemann Schulz von Thun's four-page model (communication square)

The language functions are sometimes called " communication model " or " character model ", although these terms are reserved in linguistics in general for other issues.

Voice Features and system requirements

Similar ideas can be found at the term " system requirement " in the linguistic synergetics. By " system needs " the needs are meant that has the speaker / listener in its use of language. This takes into account that the needs of the speaker and the listener are not always the same, but have to adapt to each other. So are, for example, the needs of " minimize the coding effort " and "minimization of decoding complexity " each other. In the first case, the speaker seeks to reduce its production costs (voice expense), in the second, the listener then to reduce its comprehension effort. Both must come into balance so that communication can be successful. Such needs are incorporated by Köhler (1986, 2005) in the modeling of a basic language model.
