Jamaica coalition (politics)

As a Jamaica coalition (also black traffic signal short Schwampel, Jamaica - light or black -yellow-green, in Saarland: Saarmaika ) is called in Germany, a coalition between the opposition parties, the Free Democratic Party ( FDP) and Alliance 90/The Greens. Originally, the value-neutral term " black -yellow-green " used for the existing regional coalitions. After the 2005 federal election designated media opportunity this coalition more often than " Jamaica coalition " - the term has since been established in the language. It refers to the colors of the flag of Jamaica, and the German political parties, which are associated with these colors: black for the CDU / CSU, FDP and yellow for the green for Alliance 90/The Greens.

A politically - content, relation of the concept to the Caribbean nation of Jamaica does not exist.

The first " Jamaica coalition " at the country level was formed after the state elections in Saarland, 2009. She was terminated on January 6, 2012 by Prime Minister Annegret Kramp - carts Bauer before the expiry of its term.

  • 3.1 Salzburg

History of name

The term "black light" is the concept traffic light coalition - referred to as " traffic lights " - derived, in Wiesbaden showed up, according to the Society for German language after the local elections of March 1981 in Marburg and from 1990 became popular through coalitions at the state level. The first known evidence of "black light" is found after the Bremen state election of September 29, 1991 in Bremen taz on 2 October, the portmanteau word " Schwampel " on October 4, ibid.

The term " Jamaica coalition " in 1994 allegedly invented by Hans -Bernd Schmitz, editorial director of Dormagen display sheet "showcase" and used on September 6, in a column this newspaper for a possible coalition in the city council. However, there are serious voices that assign the Dormagen - Zonser local politician Hans Wingerath the authorship of the term already for mid-year 1994. The Neuss - Grevenbroicher newspaper published it even beyond the borders of Dormagen.

The new name was at first largely unknown. She was "discovered" later anew how

  • On August 26, 2003 reported that HNA is a abzeichnendes "Jamaica coalition " in the city council meeting in Kassel.
  • Peter Craven, editor of the magazine " ViSdP", used the name " Jamaica coalition " on 8 August 2005 in the show " plain text " on N24,
  • The political scientist Karl -Rudolf Korte in the "ZDF Morning Show " on 12 September 2005,
  • Tom Levine said on 15 September 2005, in an analysis of the German dispatch service from a " Jamaica Connection".

General became famous for the term " Jamaica coalition " on the evening of the 2005 federal election when choosing neither of the two against each other out political camp had reached -. CDU / CSU and FDP versus SPD and the Greens - a majority in the Bundestag. The first time since the general election in 1949 was neither black-and- yellow, red-green or red-yellow and also (until then practiced only at the municipal level ) Black and Green win a majority of seats. This was caused in particular the weak results of the major parties, both were each at an approximate stalemate around 35 percent of the vote. Added to this was the rejection of the SPD to form a coalition with the fifth represented in the Bundestag, the Left Party. Some journalists did then proposals for a Black-Yellow -Green government.

Already Against 17:55 clock the label in the ZDF Focus chief editor Helmut Markwort was used around 18:00 clock in the First of WDR chief editor Jörg Schönborn, who is the commonly used term in the course of the evening with the presentation of high bills and so contributed to its popularization. By his own admission Schönborn had the designation devised jointly with Richard Hilmer, the managing director of the research institute Infra dimap, on Wednesday before the election with the help of a flag database.

The name arises from the association of the colors of the parties to such a coalition, and also plays on the exoticism that this constellation was given the ruling party in Germany political realities of 2005.

Jamaica coalitions in Germany

Jamaica coalition in the LWV - Hesse

In Landeswohlfahrtsverband Hesse ( ARF ), the " social Hessian Parliament," it came to the first nationwide collaboration between the CDU, Greens and FDP in 2005, which was also reflected in the composition of the full-time department heads. For country director Uwe Brückmann (CDU ) and First Assistant Evi Schönhut wedge ( GREEN ) was chosen. This alliance replaced a de facto ongoing since the creation of the ARF in 1953 grand coalition of the SPD and the CDU in the LWV. Since 2011, a black-green alliance has arisen following the resignation of the FDP.

Jamaica coalition in Saarland

The first " Jamaica coalition " at the country level was closed after the state elections in Saarland, 2009. This coalition was unusual and sometimes surprising, as the tip of the Greens decided against ( here -been possible) coalition with the SPD and the Left. Obviously played the fear of the Greens in front of a coalition with the Left Party led by Oskar Lafontaine in Saarland an important role. Internal critics of the desired Jamaica coalition have been prevented with the Greens as a delegate and a state convention in October 2009 voted surprising 78 percent of the delegates for the coalition negotiations with the CDU and FDP.

After the coalition talks, Peter Müller was re-elected as Prime Minister in November 2009 and ministers from three parties were sworn in Cabinet Mueller III. Later, as a background, the occupation by the Green leader Hubert Ulrich revealed up to and including the coalition negotiations for a company of the politician Hartmut Ostermann and high charitable contributions of the entrepreneur Ostermann at CDU, SPD, FDP and Greens. However, convened by the opposition committee of inquiry found no connection.

In the implementation of the party programs into concrete policies, the three coalition partners based essentially on its own strengths. While the Greens are trying to distinguish themselves with the subject of environment, FDP and CDU are based more on economic and social policy. Tuition fees were deducted at the initiative of the Greens in the Jamaica coalition and introduced a strict Non smoking protection law. On the initiative of the FDP and the Greens, the levels Referenda were also lowered.

On 6 January 2012, the coalition Kramp - carts Bauer failed due to personnel disputes and affairs of the FDP.

Jamaica coalitions at the local level

Even at the local level coalition CDU, FDP and the Greens. Such municipal Jamaica coalitions took place in Rhineland-Palatinate Bad Durkheim (1999) and Bad Kreuznach. At county level, Germany's first Jamaican alliance was concluded (with the participation of a free voter community ) in Hessen Marburg- Biedenkopf in 2001, which had 10 years inventory. 2011 divided the FDP from this alliance, which now consists of CDU, Greens and Free electorate. Also in the council of the district of Bad Kreuznach, as well as in Lower Saxony Hann. Munden (with the participation of two free voter communities ) in Cuxhaven came about Jamaica coalitions. In Frankfurt, a pre- negotiated coalition collapsed in 2001 after less than a day. Since the local elections in Saarland in 2009 formed a coalition CDU, FDP and Greens in St. Ingbert. This alliance broke down in 2011. Since 2009 koorporieren in Blieskastel CDU and the Greens with the FDP. Also the Saar Pfalz-Kreis is led by a black-yellow- green coalition. In Hesse CDU, FDP and govern 90/The Greens since the municipal election in 2006 in a Jamaica coalition among others in the state capital Wiesbaden and casting, in North Rhine -Westphalia since 2009 in Dormagen, Recklinghausen, food (with the participation of a free Wählergemeinschaft ) Leverkusen (with the participation of a free Wählergemeinschaft ) Bad Honnef, Herdecke and Netphen.

Jamaica coalition in Austria

In Austria Jamaica coalition refers to a cooperation between the Austrian People's Party, the Greens and the LIF or the team Stronach.


After the state elections in Salzburg in 2013, the government parties SPÖ and ÖVP were greatly weakened, but the People's Party emerged as the largest party vote. After the Greens, with an increase of about twelve percentage points reached a voting share of more than twenty percent and were medially called an election winner, preferred ÖVP top candidate Wilfried Haslauer to run it, with the Greens and the team Stronach coalition negotiations. After initial resistance, the Green talks a few weeks began in late May 2013. Thereon was Austria's first black-green - yellow coalition presented.
