Jan Gebauer

January Gebauer ( born October 8, 1838 in Úbislavice in Nová Paka, † May 25, 1907 in Prague) was Czech linguist and literary historian.


After graduating from high school in Jičín he studied classical and Slavic linguistics at the University of Prague. He then taught at the secondary schools in Prague and Pardubice and worked in the editorial of the lexicon Rieger ( Rieger's Dictionary naučný ) with.

In 1873 he qualified as a professor at Charles University in the subjects Czech language and literature, but later expanded his work to the entire Slavic philology. In 1860 he was appointed professor of the faculty of philosophy changed after the separation of languages ​​at the university in 1882 to the Czech language, where he teaches until his death. In the years 1900 to 1901, he was elected Rector of the University.

His daughter is the writer Marie Gebauerová (1869-1928)


January Gebauer is seen as the founder of modern Czech linguistics. The philologist and university professor was representative of the young grammar school. He sat down together with Jaroslav Goll and Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk apart from the counterfeits of Berger and Green Koniginhof handwriting. The authenticity he refuted by linguistic arguments.


His main works are the historical grammar of Czech ( Historická mluvnice Českého jazyka ) and the Old Czech Dictionary ( Slovník Staročeský ), which has remained unfinished. He also wrote numerous scientific articles for newspapers and magazines.


  • Slovo o kritiku p. Fri Prusíkovi, Prague 1878
  • Pravidlo o staročeském ea ì a nové námitky proti jeho pravosti, Prague 1880
  • Staročeský Zlomek Evangelia Svato - Janského a filologické svědectví o jeho původu, Prague, Matice česká 1881
  • Zpráva o chemickém a drobnohledném ohledání některých rukopisů musejních, Prague, 1887.
  • Poučení o padělaných rukopisech Královédvorském a Zelenohorském, Prague 1888
  • O nové obraně padělaného Rukopisu Královédvorského. ( Proti nové obraně pravosti Rkp. Král. Od V. Flajšhanse ), Prague 1896, p 104

Studies and articles

Study a články prof. Gebauera: Kralodvorský Rukopis a Catholic literary journal

  • A contribution to the explanation of the Koniginhof Handshrift, ASPH 1877, II, p.143 -155 reply. ( Zeitschr. for Austria. Gymn, 1878)
  • Koniginhof handwriting ( Allgemaine Encyclopedia ..., Leipzig 1885)
  • Chemical and microscopic examination of the Koniginhof handwriting, 1887
  • Spuriousness of the Queen Hofer and Green Berger handwriting, 1887
  • Spuriousness of the Queen Hofer and Green Berger handwriting. 1888